The Ministry

Mountain of Solution and Redemption Prayer Ministries Worldwide aka The Shepherd and Bishop of Our Souls Ministries was formed and established by the power of God through the help of the Holy Spirit. The ministry's primary purpose is soul-winning to bring humanity back to the body of our Lord Jesus Christ through the preaching of the absolute truth of the word of God. She devotes her time to the spreading of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world.


How It All Began

Apostle Emmanuel Ehikioya Osezele was called by God in a vision in 2010 where God commissioned him to "go and bring my people back to me with the word of truth". This happened after waiting on the Lord for close to one year in prayers and fasting for direction. During that period of time, the servant of God held meetings for teachings, prayers, counselling and deliverance until he was given the go-ahead to formally start the ministry which began in 2011 with a conference of prayers and teachings.

The Name Of The Ministry

The name "Mountain of Solution and Redemption Prayer Ministries Worldwide" was given to Apostle Emmanuel by the Lord after a long period of operating without a specific name. While waiting on the Lord to have a specific name for the ministry, the answer came on the 25th of July 2012 at about 10:34am CET during the second session of the ministry's morning prayers. The Holy Spirit called the name in the ear of the servant of God, saying that the ministry would be a place of solution to all problems and redemption for lost souls as long as he keeps his heart in holiness and righteousness for the Lord.

The Scope of Ministry


The ministry is all about soul-winning through collective and individual evangelism. We are passionate about the souls of men, that they may be won and nurtured for heaven through the undiluted word of God and prayers. John 15:16 KJV

We render free Bible based counseling, prayer and deliverance sessions with the help of the Holy Spirit to every sincere seeker irrespective of their denomination. Matthew 10:8 KJV

We hold yearly awareness conferences for the advancement of the gospel of holiness and righteousness, and to prepare the souls of men for heaven by the preaching of the word of God and the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit manifested through salvation, healing, deliverance, and signs and wonders. Matthew 4:23, John 11:15 KJV

We are passionate about the less privileged in the society, the well-being of the orphans, the widows, the widowers and the destitute is our utmost concern; for heaven is prepared for all of humanity including the less privileged.

Hence, building orphanage  homes, schools, hospitals and other recreational homes for the comfort of the helpless is our God's given passion. James 1:27 KJV


About Us

Mountain of Solution & Redemption Prayer Ministries Worldwide aka The Shepherd & Bishop of our Souls Ministries is inspired and ordained by God. It is a place of Salvation, Peace, Comfort and Hope.


Contact Us

  • T: 004915211334015
  • M:
  • Office: Falkenweg 77, 71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany.

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