The Watchman


About The Watchman

Apostle Emmanuel Ehikioya Osezele is a native of Opoji in Esan Central Local Government Area, Edo state Nigeria. He was born in 1978 and presently lives in Germany. He is the Watchman and Senior Minister of The Mountain of Solution and Redemption Prayer Ministries Worldwide (MSRPM) aka The Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls Ministries. The ministry is committed to total obedience to the will of God in holiness and righteousness.

He is happily married to Itohan Maria and blessed with four wonderful boys, Samuel, Divine, Salvation and Holiness. He holds a BSc degree in Geophysics from Ambrose Ali University Ekpoma, Edo State of Nigeria. He became born again in 1995 at the Assemblies of God Church Opoji branch where he later served as a prayer band leader for a long time. While at the University he became the Evangelism Coordinator of the Assemblies of God Church, Afua branch. Apostle Emmanuel has also served as an active minister at Christ the Living Water Ministries, Castellon, Spain.

He was called and ordained by God into the Apostolic, Prophetic, Deliverance and Evangelical ministry, commissioned by our Lord Jesus to go and bring back the lost sheep by the word of truth. His desire is to see people saved and joyful and knowing the purpose of God for their lives. Above all, he loves to see hell depopulated and heaven populated.

About Us

Mountain of Solution & Redemption Prayer Ministries Worldwide aka The Shepherd & Bishop of our Souls Ministries is inspired and ordained by God. It is a place of Salvation, Peace, Comfort and Hope.


Contact Us

  • T: 004915211334015
  • M:
  • Office: Falkenweg 77, 71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany.

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